Friday, March 7, 2014

Week 37: "Oh, I'm just a HUGE Elvis Presley fan."

February 24, 2014

A new transfer has begun! It seems like the past one just started, and it is already over. This one will go by even faster.
On Wednesday morning, bright and early, Elder Robbins and I got on a train to Leiden. Once we arrived, we met up with a group of missionaries, and Elder Robbins left for Genk, in the depths of the mission. I waited in Leiden for a good part of the day until I received my new companion, Elder Goates, from Brugge. And thus it begins.
I knew Elder Goates when he was a greenie, a long time ago when I was serving in Kortrijk with Elder Toole. He somehow managed to stay in Brugge for six months, and Lelystad is his second city. We get along really well though, and I'm excited for the work that we'll be doing together.
Now that Elder Robbins is gone, I'm being forced to learn my way around Lelystad. I realize more and more how much of a maze the entire city is. It's a good experience, though. Getting lost for an hour is always something I love doing. Builds character. Elder Goates probably knows his way around the city almost as well as I do.
We had a mini-missionary from Thursday to Sunday -- a member of Lelystad branch who is preparing for a mission. It was pretty cool. It was like having a third missionary (almost). Besides the fact that he ate almost all of our food... Just kidding. It was actually really fun -- it reminded me of how I was before my mission and really helped me see how much I've grown. And, also, how much I'm still the same (in a good way).
My comp and I were riding to a look-up last night, and we saw a house with a huge American flag flying in front of it. "Why does that person have an American flag?" "I don't know...let's go find out." So, we knocked the door, and this Dutch guy came and answered it. We talked to him about the Book of Mormon and who we were. No interest. Okay, well, on another note, why do you have an American flag? "Oh, that? Well, to be honest, I'm actually just a HUGE Elvis Presley fan." So you flew an American flag in front of your house. Logical.
We have an investigator who doesn't want to meet with us anymore; she says it's okay if we just see each other at church on Sunday. Because, she's decided to come to church every Sunday. Well, whatever floats your boat.
Also, we taught a guy who only cared about whether we believed in aliens or not. The important things some people focus on.

That's all for today. Sorry that it isn't much -- I really did spend a lot of the past week trying to find my soul after losing it in the maze of Lelystad. Not too exciting. Just another week in the life of a Mormon missionary. Until next week -- blijf netjes.

--Elder Bonney

Elder Robbins and me, on our last morning together.
Elder Goates and me together in Belgium, back in September.

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